The purpose this paper to examine the inculcation the character of responsibility and self-confidence through drumband extracurriculars in elementary schools. This type of research is a descriptive research with qualitative approach. The research subjects were 5 participants, consisting of the principal, one class teacher, one drumband extracurricular coach, one drum band trainer and one drum band member. The object of research is related to the inculcation of the character of responsibility and self-confidence through drumband extracurricular at MI Muhammadiyah Paseban. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Data validity technique uses source triangulation techniques. Data analysis techniques using Miles & Huberman analysis consist of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Research results (a) MI Muhammadiyah Paseban drumband extracurricular activities have 3 stages, through planning, implementation and evaluation. (b) Efforts inculcate the character responsibility through drumband extracurriculars include being responsible with tools, with time, and in bringing drumband games. Furthermore, cultivation self-confidence is in the process of practicing, leading the drumband for the mayor and carnival or drumband performances. (c) Benefits inculcating character of responsibility and self-confidence through drumband extracurriculars can be applied the learning process at school and outside school. (d) Supporting and inhibiting factors in drumband extracurricular. Inculcating character responsibility and self-confidence through drumband extracurricular can help students in developing character of responsibility and confidence for their personality the future. The integration the character values of responsibility and self-confidence can help students in academic and non-academic processes.