The epsin N-terminal homology domain (ENTH) is a major player in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. To investigate the influence of initial membrane tension on ENTH binding and activity, we established a bilayer system based on adhered giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) to be able to control and adjust the membrane tension covering a broad regime. The shape of each individual adhered GUV as well as its adhesion area was monitored by spinning disc confocal laser microscopy. Control of in a range of 0.08-1.02 mN/m was achieved by altering the Mg 2؉ concentration in solution, which changes the surface adhesion energy per unit area of the GUVs. Specific binding of ENTH to phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate leads to a substantial increase in adhesion area of the sessile GUV. At low tension (<0.1 mN/m) binding of ENTH can induce tubular structures, whereas at higher membrane tension the ENTH interaction deflates the sessile GUV and thereby increases the adhesion area. The increase in adhesion area is mainly attributed to a decrease in the area compressibility modulus K A . We propose that the insertion of the ENTH helix-0 into the membrane is largely responsible for the observed decrease in K A , which is supported by the observation that the mutant ENTH L6E shows a reduced increase in adhesion area. These results demonstrate that even in the absence of tubule formation, the area compressibility modulus and, as such, the bending rigidity of the membrane is considerably reduced upon ENTH binding. This renders membrane bending and tubule formation energetically less costly.Clathrin-mediated endocytosis is one of the key metabolic pathways for the uptake of macromolecules into eukaryotic cells (1-4). Driven by a chain of remodeling events and an elaborate set of proteins acting in an orchestrated manner, an almost flat patch of plasma membrane is transformed into a closed, cargo-containing vesicle. As plasma membrane shape transformation is associated with significant local bending of the membrane, the process is highly sensitive to lateral membrane tension. Plasma membrane tension originates from two primary sources; that is, hydrostatic pressure across the lipid bilayer and cytoskeleton-membrane adhesion (5). Depending on the cell type, plasma membrane tensions span a range of roughly 0.003-0.45 mN/m (5-8). Even though it had become clear already in the late 1990s that tension plays a role in exoand endocytosis (9, 10), only in recent years has significant evidence been accumulated that membrane tension is of utmost importance for processes that rely on membrane remodeling (11-14). Cells actively maintain and regulate their membrane tension and use it to control exo-and endocytosis (15). In K562 cells it has been reported that endocytosis is completely suppressed under hypoosmotic conditions (16). Generally, high lateral membrane tension suppresses membrane deformation as both stretching the lipid bilayer and opening bonds between the cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane requires a large amount of energy (17).One protein...