The aim of the article is to analyze the wellness tourism topic, focusing on the overview and the research directions in the period 2012-2022, published in WoS and Scopus databases. This attempt is aided by the methods of bibliometric analysis, such as co-citation analysis, bibliometric coupling, reference analysis and keywords analysis. The current research reveals information about which pair of papers, authors or journals are cited together as sources of articles from the past almost 11 years formatting the core of the topic of wellness tourism regarding destination, marketing and management in this area. As result of the research, can be concluded that articles in wellness tourism topics highly published in Social Science and Economic disciplines, mostly in English language both in WoS and Scopus databases. Based on the keyword analysis, 7 clusters related to the research of the last almost eleven years resulted. These clusters namely can be defined as: researches focusing on competitiveness, wellness tourism philosophy, quality, sustainability, digitalization, motivation, marketing and management, loyalty and customer satisfaction, and COVID-19 pandemic situation.