background: Early age of menarche (AOM) is associated with serious health problems including breast cancer and heart disease.Rising parental age at childbirth is associated with some adverse health outcomes in the offspring, but whether early menarche is one of them is not known.
methods:We studied a Danish cohort of singleton females (n ¼ 3168) born in [1984][1985][1986][1987]. Prenatal data were collected from mothers around 36th week of pregnancy (self-administered questionnaire), although the menarcheal age was collected from daughters aged 17 -21 years in 2005 (Web-based questionnaire). We assessed each parental age association in separate linear regression models adjusted for covariates (socioeconomic status, parity, maternal pre-pregnancy BMI, marital status, maternal smoking and daughter's self-reported BMI), then included both ages in a third model. conclusions: We found no significant association between parental age and AOM, but the small sample of advance aged parents (over 30 years) limits the information we have. Future studies with a larger sample or a sample with over-representation of older parents will be of value.