updating courses in e-learning systems is considered one of the main factors to ensure a relevant educational content. Basically, providing to the learner a dynamic learning path that contains the latest trends of information and software tools, and also tracking technological development. For this reason, we proposed an automatic mechanism that facilitates the integration of the latest updates in e-learning system in order to keep it to date in one hand, and reduces time and labor devoted for this operation in the other hand. To realize this process, we opted to use intelligent agent technology in order to manage these updates. Namely, Updater Agent (UA) ensuring their introduction in the courseware, and Search Content Agent (SCA) which looks for new ones. In this article, we focused on the contents' integration process by describing the behavior of UA. Then, we will explain life cycle of course, in order to show its different states in the system, and the role of each one to reach the performance of our updating process. Finally, we will describe the software implementation of the UA allowing the management of updates. Namely, tests and experimentation done in this field proved the effectiveness of the proposed solution and revealed a positive results in term of learning process.