“…SNSs facilitate online activism by (a) providing individuals with a space to share personal experiences and opinions, linking them to broader social causes (e.g., #metoo movements); (b) enabling members to offer support, coordinate activities and respond to criticism, like in "digilantism," where norm violations, such as heterosexism or misogyny, are exposed and publicly condemned, fostering awareness and activism within these virtual communities; and (c) allowing individuals to engage beyond their immediate virtual circles, collectively shaping and disseminating new narratives, like the women's #freethenipple movement, which seeks to normalize non-sexualized representations of breasts and reclaim female autonomy over their bodies (Greijdanus et al, 2020). SNS, such as TikTok or Instagram, offer unique opportunities for learning and advocacy movements, fostering self-expression and social activism, especially for younger generations (Alexandro, Hariatama, & Uda, 2022). A virtual space with these characteristics attracts members and leaders who are often marginalized in the physical societies they inhabit and who utilize virtual platforms to create new communities they could not form in offline space (Noveck et al, 2021).…”