Objective: to understand the role of cultural engagement in the lives of older adults. Method: an integrative literature review of publications from 2014 and 2019 in English, Portuguese, and Spanish was conducted. The Scopus, Web of Science, MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, PsycNET®, LILACS, SciELO Citation Index and Science Direct databases were used as sources of information. The descriptors “aged” and the related term “cultural engagement” in the three idioms were used in the search, together with the Boolean operators “AND” or “ OR”. A total of 12 articles that met the inclusion criteria were found. These were categorized based on the theme. No Brazilian studies were found. Results: the panorama found revealed that older adults are more interested in receptive cultural activities, such as going to museums, exhibitions and the theater, as these enrich and add greater social value to their lives. Cultural engagement was associated with a reduction in the incidence of neuropsychiatric disorders (dementia and depression), as well as reducing the incidence of episodes of violence. Participation in cultural activities also constituted a protective factor for cognitive abilities and for the reduction of chronic pain. There is also evidence that associates cultural engagement with a better perception of quality of life and greater well-being, happiness and positive affect, as well as the reduction of negative affect. Conclusion: engaging in cultural activities is a way of understanding and respecting cultural diversity, salvaging social identities, and enjoying and providing experiences of great social value, with beneficial impacts in the lives of older adults.