Abstract.We study mixed boundary value problems for an elliptic operator A on a manifold X with boundary Y , i.e., Au = f in int X, T±u = g± on int Y±, where Y is subdivided into subsets Y± with an interface Z and boundary conditions T± on Y± that are Shapiro-Lopatinskij elliptic up to Z from the respective sides. We assume that Z ⊂ Y is a manifold with conical singularity v. As an example we consider the Zaremba problem, where A is the Laplacian and T− Dirichlet, T+ Neumann conditions. The problem is treated as a corner boundary value problem near v which is the new point and the main difficulty in this paper. Outside v the problem belongs to the edge calculus as is shown in [3]. With a mixed problem we associate Fredholm operators in weighted corner Sobolev spaces with double weights, under suitable edge conditions along Z \ {v} of trace and potential type. We construct parametrices within the calculus and establish the regularity of solutions.