In the framework of the instanton vacuum model we make expansion over the current mass m and number of colors Nc and evaluate O(1/Nc, m, m/Nc, m ln m/Nc)-corrections to the dynamical quark mass M , the quark condensate qq , the pion mass Mπ and decay constant Fπ. There are several sources of these corrections: meson loops, finite size of the instanton distribution and the quark-quark "tensor" interaction terms. In contrast to the expectations, we found that numerically the 1/Nc-corrections to dynamical mass are large and mostly come from meson loops. As a consequence, we have large 1/Nc-corrections to all the other quantities. To provide the values of Fπ(m = 0), qq(m = 0) in agreement with χPT, we offer a new set of parameters ρ, R. Finally, we find the low-energy SU (2) f chiral lagrangian constantsl3,l4 in a rather good correspondence with the phenomenology.