“…Considering that droplet emulsions are usually used in micro-fluidic systems, with the flow mainly in the low-Reynolds number regime, we can select the SRT model within the ULBM framework. The collision step in the SRT model with the forcing term is given as [56], fk,i∗false(x,tfalse)=fk,ifalse(x,tfalse)−1τkfalse[ fk,i(boldx,t)−fk,ieq(ρk,ueq)false]+(1−12τ)ΔtRk,ifalse(ρk,boldueqfalse), where boldueq is the equilibrium velocity for the multi-component mixture [57]. Incorporating the total force into the forcing term Rk,i [56], we have Rk,i…”