Synthetic dosage lethality (SDL) denotes a genetic interaction between two genes whereby the underexpression of gene A combined with the overexpression of gene B is lethal. SDLs offer a promising way to kill cancer cells by inhibiting the activity of SDL partners of activated oncogenes in tumors, which are often difficult to target directly. As experimental genome-wide SDL screens are still scarce, here we introduce a network-level computational modeling framework that quantitatively predicts human SDLs in metabolism. For each enzyme pair (A, B) we systematically knock out the flux through A combined with a stepwise flux increase through B and search for pairs that reduce cellular growth more than when either enzyme is perturbed individually. The predictive signal of the emerging network of 12,000 SDLs is demonstrated in five different ways. (i) It can be successfully used to predict gene essentiality in shRNA cancer cell line screens. Moving to clinical tumors, we show that (ii) SDLs are significantly underrepresented in tumors. Furthermore, breast cancer tumors with SDLs active (iii) have smaller sizes and (iv) result in increased patient survival, indicating that activation of SDLs increases cancer vulnerability. Finally, (v) patient survival improves when multiple SDLs are present, pointing to a cumulative effect. This study lays the basis for quantitative identification of cancer SDLs in a model-based mechanistic manner. The approach presented can be used to identify SDLs in species and cell types in which "omics" data necessary for data-driven identification are biology | synthetic dosage lethality | human metabolism | cancer | genetic interactions S ynthetic lethality (SL) occurs when the combined loss of two nonessential genes renders a lethal phenotype (1). SLs have been studied by using experimental (2, 3) and computational approaches (4-6) to address various questions of cell function and evolution. The potential of SLs for cancer therapy has been recognized and accelerated the development of many SL screens (7-11). (See refs. 12-14 for reviews of SLs applied in the context of cancer research.)Less studied are the so-called synthetic dosage lethality (SDL) interactions. An SDL is a genetic interaction between two genes whereby the underexpression of gene A (A ↓ ) together with the overexpression of gene B (B ↑ ) is lethal (15). The observation that an interaction with an overexpressed gene can be lethal makes it particularly interesting for targeting cancer cells with (over) expressed oncogenes. This is because many oncogenes that drive tumor growth are essential to cell function and thus difficult to target directly. Targeting the oncogenes' SDL partner, which is a nonessential gene in normal cells, may nevertheless kill cancer cells. That SDLs can have important implications for cancer research, for instance to aid in the design of new therapies, has also been recognized (12,(16)(17)(18). Moreover, it has been shown that the overexpression of specific genes can be detrimental to canc...