Although the high sensitivity of the Na/K pump in cell membrane to ionizing radiation is well known in literature, the individual role of different isoforms of pump in determination of its radio-sensitivity is not clear yet. This is the subject of the present investigation. Using isotope, electro-physiological and enzymological methods, the effect of c-ionizing radiation on cell membrane voltagecurrent characteristics, acetylcholine-induced membrane current, 22 Na ? and 45 Ca 2? exchange between cells and bathing solution, Na?K ? -ATPase activity, dose-dependent ouabain binding with cell membrane, intracellular cAMP and membrane phosphorylation in snail neurons were studied. The changes in neurons as a result of 30-min c-radiation exposure of snails to 5.16 Ci/kg at the end of the first 30 min of post-radiation period were as follows: the increase in membrane ionic conductance reversed the ouabain sensitivity of acetylcholine-induced currents, stimulation of 22 Na ? and 45 Ca 2? uptakes, inhibition of Na/K pump, activation Na/Ca exchange in reversed mode, increase in ouabain binding with high-affinity a 3 and decrease with a 2 middle-affinity receptors, decrease in intracellular cAMP content and membrane dephosphorylation. On the basis of the obtained data, it is suggested that both a 3 and a 2 catalytic subunits of Na ? ?K ? -ATPase serve primary membrane sensors through the activation of which the biological effect of c-radiation on neurons is realized. The IR has activation effects on a 3 -dependent Na ? /Ca 2? exchange in forward and its inactivation on a 2 -dependent reverse modes.