Summniary. The data reported indicate that the oxidatioi-reductionl balance of the ascorbic acid system is not causally related to the atixin-regtulation of cell elongation. There was no shift in the ascorbic acid (AA) to dehydroascorb.c acid (DHA) ratio with growth-promoting concentration of aulxinl in several plant tissues. The AA to DHA ratio wvas experitmentally increased withouit altering the growth rate. Inhibition of growth by supra-optimal auxin was associated with a decrease in the AA to DHA ratio. Since the AA to DHA ratio was lowered by EDTA treatment without altering growth, it seems unlikely that the decrease in the AA to DHA ratio related to the inhibition of growth by high levels of auxiin.
Materials and MethodsSoybean seeds (Hawkeye 63) and pea seed's (Alaska) were germinated as previously described for soybean (6). Cucumber seeds (Long Green) and corn seeds (WNF9X M14) were germinated in Kimpak as described for corn (3). Tissues used in subsequent experiments consisted of: sections o-f the 3-(lay old soybean hypocotyl excisedl from one-foutrth to 1 and one-foutrth cm below the cotyledons. 1-cm sections of the 3-day old corn mesocotyl excised one-fourth to 1 and one-fourth cm below the coleoptilar node; the apical 1-cm sectioIn of the 3-day old cucutmiber hypocotyl; a 1-cm section of the third internode of the 7-day old pea stem. All tissues were placed in a 1 % ice cold sucrose solution prior to beginning the experimental treat,men,ts. The inccubation medium consisted of 1 % sucrose, 5 m.i KH.PO4 neutralized to pH 6.0 wi,th NH,'OH, and 2,4-D as the pot,assium salit at pH 6.0 when used. Ascorbic acid (AA) and dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) soluttions were freshly prepared before each experiment. The DHA was prepared by charcoal oxidation of AA just prior to use. Two or 3-g samples of tissue were incubated in 10 ml of the medium at 30°with coInitIntOs shakiing. After iincubatioin the tissue was 742 on May 10, 2018 -Published by Downloaded from