The clinical picture of the manifestation of various forms of eclampsia in pregnant ewes has been established, signs of a mild form of eclampsia in pregnant ewes are depression of the central nervous system. During the movements, the sheep staggered, the gait was uncertain. Quite often, there was a frozen pose, the animals stood with their necks outstretched and their heads held high. Characteristic signs of severe form are fibrillary twitching of the muscles of the ears, neck, and around the mouth. During the whole time, the animal was in a state of catalepsy. The sheep was lying on its side 8... 10 hours before its death, its limbs and neck were stretched out; it tried to throw its head back. Nervous excitement turned into a comatose state. Laboratory blood tests have established an increase in the level of ketone bodies above physiological limits by 2.3 times and their fractions — AcAs and HH, respectively, by 5.9 times and 1.5 times, a decrease in buffer bases to 18.41 ± 1.53 mmol/l, glucose concentration to 2.25±0.16 mmol/l, as well as the HH/AcAs coefficient to 1.53. The conducted ELISA of blood serum allowed us to obtain information about the levels of FSH, LH, etch radial values in the group of sheep with eclampsia and the control group, which significantly differed from each other (p<0.05). The content of cortisol (21.4±3.47 ng/ml), as well as progesterone (11.2± 4.31 ng/ml) remains quite significant, which does not allow for metabolic processes. In the blood of ewes with eclampsia, an increase in the concentration of ketodiene intermediates and conjugated trines was found to be 1.75 times, and the content of manol dialdehyde was 1.125±0.34 mmol/l. An integrated approach to the examination of pregnant ewes in the framework of obstetric medical examination increases the diagnostic effectiveness of eclampsia detection by 24.3% compared to traditional research methods. The diagnostic sensitivity was 75.8%, the specificity of the test was 96.2%, the prognostic value of a positive result was 94.5%, and the prognostic value of a negative result was 83.9%.>˂0.05). The content of cortisol (21.4±3.47 ng/ml), as well as progesterone (11.2± 4.31 ng/ml) remains quite significant, which does not allow for metabolic processes. In the blood of ewes with eclampsia, an increase in the concentration of ketodiene intermediates and conjugated trines was found to be 1.75 times, and the content of manol dialdehyde was 1.125±0.34 mmol/l. An integrated approach to the examination of pregnant ewes in the framework of obstetric medical examination increases the diagnostic effectiveness of eclampsia detection by 24.3% compared to traditional research methods. The diagnostic sensitivity was 75.8%, the specificity of the test was 96.2%, the prognostic value of a positive result was 94.5%, and the prognostic value of a negative result was 83.9%.