Which textbooks are used in French classes? Can the struggle to choose a good textbook affect the communication procedure in French? What is the proportion of language, intercultural and communicative activities in selected textbooks? What are the reasons for purchasing language-based and communication-based textbooks? The present study explores these questions and presents results with broad implications for teachers of French at secondary schools. It points out some significant markers such as textbook type activities preferences and arguments for choosing textbooks for French classes.Keywords textbooks, frequency, activities, preferences, communication, appropriateness
IntroductionSlovak state standards and curricula are becoming increasingly important not only in the implementation of instruction but also in choosing a good textbook. Many textbook publishers provide a variety of activities in order to fulfil general textbook standards without considering the balance between the intercultural importance, grammar significance and communication needs. In the paper, I present partial results from the empirical research conducted within a year. I propose a survey of textbooks used for teaching French at secondary schools in Slovakia. The objective of this study is not only to show what textbooks are used and with what frequency, but I also I intend to demonstrate that, for instance, the textbooks which are used often do not sufficiently attain the communicative objective.When choosing a textbook, several elements should be taken into consideration-the students, the proportion of language-based and communication-based or task-based activities, the proportion of activities enhancing the students´ input and output, the curricula content. Cunningsworth (1995) suggests four criteria for evaluating language textbooks. They should: reflect students´ needs and match learning objectives, reflect the use of language communicatively, facilitate learning processes by eclecticism, sustain a clear role as a support for learning.