Original PaperSpeciation of metal-EDTA complexes by flow injection analysis with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and ion chromatography with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry Flow injection analysis (FIA) with ESI-MS and ion chromatography (IC) with inductively coupled plasma-MS (ICP-MS) and their MS spectral showed that these metal -EDTA complexes were present in solution. Based on the ESI-MS, ion chromatographic separation and ICP-MS detection of these complexes are possible because IC-ICP-MS requires stable metal -EDTA complex during the chromatographic separation. The separation of these metal -EDTA complexes was achieved on an anion-exchange column with a mobile phase containing 30 mM NH 4 (HPO 4 ) 2 at pH 7.5 within 7 min with ICP-MS providing element specific detection. The ICP-MS LODs for the metal -EDTA were in the range of 0.1 -0.5 lg/L with the exception of Fe (15 lg/L). The proposed method was a simple procedure for sample processing, using direct injection of sample without removal of sample matrix and was successfully applied to the determination of metal -EDTA complexes in real samples.
IntroductionEDTA is a chelating agent which has the potential to perturb the natural speciation of metals, to influence metal bioavailability [1], and to remobilize metals from sediments and aquifers [2]. Chelating agents occur in natural waters predominantly as metal complexes. There are many studies emphasizing the importance of chelation on metal bioavailability, plant uptake, toxicity, transport, adsorption, distribution, and fate [3]. However, the identification and detection of these metal complexes in environmental sample is still a significant analytical challenge because of their structural similarities and presence at low concentrations in environmental matrices [4]. Separation of these complexes is therefore an important step in the development of an analytical method suitable for the detection of metal -EDTA complexes in environmental samples.CE and ion chromatography (IC) are the main separation methods used for the determination of metal -aminopolycarboxylic complexes. Using the CE approach, metal complexes with nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA), hydroxyethylethylenediaminetriacetic acid (HEDTA), EDTA, and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) were all successfully separated using either CZE [5 -7] or MEKC [8] with UV detection. LODs of 2 -500 lM were obtained using these CE methods, which are usually not sensitive enough for the analysis of trace levels of these complexes in environmental samples. As an alternative to CE, IC is often used to determine metal -EDTA complexes, based on the precolumn complexation of the chelating agents with metals. The separation of these complexes by ionpairing [9 -12] and ion-exchange chromatography [13 -15] has been accomplished with conductivity or UV/Visible detection, but these detectors are nonselective and it is therefore often impossible to identify all metal -EDTA complexes in complex matrices. To address these problems, the separation...