A B S T R A C T Metabolic balance studies were conducted in seven boys with Duchenne-type muscular dystrophy, and in six normal boys of similar age, during a 12 day control period and during a 12 day period of treatment with human growth hormone (HGH) at the following doses: 0.0168, 0.0532, and 0.168 U/kg body weight (BW)f per day (doses A, B, and C, respectively). In five of the six normals, dose C caused positive balances in N, P, Na, and K; doses B and A had anabolic effects in two and one normal subjects, respectively. In six of the seven Duchenne cases, dose C caused negative balances of N and K, and sometimes of P. Negative balances were produced in three of the Duchenne subjects by dose B, and in one by dose A. None of the dystrophy cases exhibited an anabolic response to any dosage of HGH tested.The release of endogenous HGH in response to insulin, after 2 days' pretreatment with diethylstilbestrol, was similar in both groups of subjects. In the course of these tests, a marked anabolic effect of diethylstilbestrol in the Duchenne patients was apparent. Therefore metabolic balance studies were repeated, in both Duchenne and normal cases, during a 12 day control period and during 12 days of treatment with diethylstilbestrol (0.106 mg/kg BW1 per day). In three of the normal children, diethylstilbestrol had no effect on the elemental balances; in two cases, a retention of Na was observed. In all seven Duchenne cases, diethylstilbestrol caused positive balances in N. P, Na, and K. Ethinyl estradiol (0.0106 mg/kg BW1 per day) produced positive N, P, Na, and