We study the temperature dependence of the conductivity due to quantum interference processes for a two-dimensional disordered itinerant electron system close to a ferromagnetic quantum critical point. Near the quantum critical point, the cross-over between diffusive and ballistic regimes of quantum interference effects occurs at a temperature T * = 1/τ γ(EF τ ) 2 , where γ is the parameter associated with the Landau damping of the spin fluctuations, τ is the impurity scattering time, and EF is the Fermi energy. For a generic choice of parameters, T * is smaller than the nominal crossover scale 1/τ . In the ballistic quantum critical regime, the conductivity behaves as T 1/3 .PACS numbers: 75.45.+j, 72.15.Rn The interplay between disorder, electron correlations, and low dimensionality is one of the most fascinating topics in the modern condensed matter. To date, most of the studies were limited to the case of "good metals" which, at high enough temperatures, behave as Fermi Liquids (FL) [1,2,3]. However, this interplay is expected to become crucial in the vicinity of a quantum critical point (QCP) where electron correlations are particularly strong [4,5]. Experiments on systems close to quantum phase transitions show striking deviations from the FL theory. In particular, anomalous exponents in the temperature dependence of the conductivity have been observed [6,7], which suggest the presence of strong quantum fluctuations. Of special interest is the case of charge transport in the vicinity of a ferromagnetic QCP. Since ferromagnetic spin fluctuations do not break any lattice symmetry, the contribution of inelastic scattering to resistivity is zero in a clean system, unless Umklapp processes are allowed to relax momentum. In a dirty system, the "interaction" correction to the residual conductivity is expected to be particularly important due to a long-range interaction in the vicinity of the QCP. This correction is due to quantum interference between semi-classical electron paths scattered by the impurities and the self-consistent potential of Friedel oscillations [2]. The goal of this paper is to examine the conductivity of a two-dimensional (2D) disordered metal close to a ferromagnetic QCP and at low enough temperatures, when the lattice-mediated scattering at spin fluctuations is frozen out and the temperature dependence of the conductivity is mainly due to quantum interference effects.The experiments indicate that most of the threedimensional compounds, such as UGe 2 [6] and ZrZn 2 [7], undergo a first-order zero-temperature ferromagnetic transition. More recently, the transition observed in Zr 1−x Nb x Zn 2 is found to be second order down to the lowest measured transition temperature [8]. In two dimensions, the best candidate for a ferromagnetic type of quantum critical behavior is the metamagnetic transition in Sr 3 Ru 2 O 7 [9,10]. This strongly anisotropic compound can be tuned to a quantum critical end point which is believed to be suitable for a description within the spin fluctuation scenario [11]...