An analytical model for the elastic energy of a system of conical heteroepitaxial quantum dots of finite slope is presented. An expression for the surface tractions at the dot-substrate interface is proposed. This includes a singularity in the stress field at the perimeter of the dot. The strength of this singularity increases as the slope of the dot increases. This dramatically enhances the elastic interaction between dots and the metastability of a quantum dot array. This could help explain the stability of bimodal island size distributions observed in some quantum dot systems. © 2006 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.2390651͔The elastic strain energy of a system of heteroepitaxial quantum dots is critical in determining their ability to selforganize and achieve a metastable state.1,2 A number of authors have investigated the rich behavior of such systems using analytic expressions for the strain energy of the combined multidot system. [3][4][5][6][7][8] These models represent the effect of the dots' presence on the substrate by a distribution of point forces on an elastic half-space. This is a small slope approximation based on the assumption that the energy change in the island-substrate system due to the relaxation of the mismatch strain is small compared to the energy of the unrelaxed island. 9 In this case, the tractions are simply proportional to the slope of the surface profile. This is a valid approximation for small slopes if the tractions on the halfspace are continuous. 10,11 For the case of quantum dots this is not the case, as there is a discontinuity in the dot profile at the edge of the dot. This generates a singularity in the stress field of the dot at its outer perimeter. These singularities are expected to interact strongly over relatively large distances. These singularities have not been treated explicitly in previous analyses, although fitted models for the interaction energy between dots based on finite element calculations have been proposed. 12 The surface tractions in Fig. 1 are singular at the dot perimeter. 13 The radial surface traction at the dot-substrate interface is fitted towhere ␣ is the strength of the singularity at the island edge and the second term ensures that f r ͑0͒ = 0. The two exponents are well fitted by ␣ = 1 2 tanh͑1.41͒ and ␦ = 0.114␣ −1 + 0.638 for E s = E d and s = d = 0.3. The magnitude of the surface traction, c, is that which minimizes the elastic strain energy ͑see below͒. In the small slope limit ͑ → 0͒, ͑2͒ is equivalent to ͑1͒. Figure 1 shows that ͑2͒ is a good representation of the numerical results.Shchukin et al. 5 analyzed the change in strain energy of an elastic half-space ͑substrate͒ due to radial surface tractions distributed over a number of circular patches p of radius b p . Their result is for the constant radial surface traction model ͑1͒, but their elegant derivation is applicable for any radial surface traction model. To first order, the change in strain energy is given bywhere ⌬E pp is the self-relaxation energy of patch p and...