Our previous studies revealed that methanol intoxication significantly altered the non-specific immune functions in albino rats. The present investigation focuses on the effect of methanol on certain specific immune functions of cell mediated immunity such as footpad thickness, leukocyte migration inhibition test (LMI) and antibody levels. In addition, serum interleukins (IL-2, IL-4, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma), and splenic lymphocyte subsets were measured after an immune challenge. The specific immune function tests were carried out in three different groups of albino rats, which include control, 15 and 30 days methanol intoxication. Our study reports that animal body weight, organ weight ratio, lymphoid cell counts, footpad thickness, antibody titer, IL-2, TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, Pan T cell, CD4, macrophages, MHC class II molecule expression, and B cell counts were significantly decreased compared to control animals nevertheless, LMI, IL-4, and DNA single strand breakage were increased significantly. Plasma corticosterone level was significantly increased in the 15 days group whereas the 30 days methanol intoxication group showed considerable decrease in corticosterone level compared with control animals. Therefore, our investigation concluded that repeated exposure of methanol profoundly suppressed the cell mediated and humoral immune functions in albino rats.