Catalase, a conserved and abundant enzyme found in all domains of life, dissipates the oxidant hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ). The gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori undergoes host-mediated oxidant stress exposure, and its catalase contains oxidizable methionine (Met) residues. We hypothesized catalase may play a large stress-combating role independent of its classical catalytic one, namely quenching harmful oxidants through its recyclable Met residues, resulting in oxidant protection to the bacterium. Two Helicobacter mutant strains (katA H56A and katA Y339A ) containing catalase without enzyme activity but that retain all Met residues were created. These strains were much more resistant to oxidants than a catalasedeletion mutant strain. The quenching ability of the altered versions was shown, whereby oxidant-stressed (HOCl-exposed) Helicobacter retained viability even upon extracellular addition of the inactive versions of catalase, in contrast to cells receiving HOCl alone. The importance of the methionine-mediated quenching to the pathogen residing in the oxidant-rich gastric mucus was studied. In contrast to a catalase-null strain, both site-change mutants proficiently colonized the murine gastric mucosa, suggesting that the amino acid composition-dependent oxidant-quenching role of catalase is more important than the well described H 2 O 2 -dissipating catalytic role. Over 100 years after the discovery of catalase, these findings reveal a new nonenzymatic protective mechanism of action for the ubiquitous enzyme.Catalase was described over 100 years ago (1), and the enzyme's role clearly is to detoxify H 2 O 2 by converting it into H 2 O and O 2 . It is one of he most abundant proteins in cells, and it is present in most organisms, including in both plant and animal cells (2). It is oftentimes a highly expressed protein. For example, in the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori, catalase (KatA) levels are estimated to be 4 -5% of the total protein content (3), and the katA gene is one of the most highly expressed genes in H. pylori cells recovered from the human stomach (4). HOCl-mediated oxidation of six identified Met residues in H. pylori KatA leads to methionine sulfoxide formation (Met-O), 2 protein oligomerization, and loss of catalase activity (3). Most organisms, including Helicobacter, possess a peptide repair enzyme, methionine sulfoxide reductase (Msr), that reduces Met-O back to Met in certain oxidation-susceptible Msr-targeted proteins (5, 6). This Msr-mediated repair (along with added GroEL/ES) returns most of the catalase activity (3). Although the identified protein targets of repair are few among the total of all organisms, some of these repair targets are themselves stress-combating enzymes.Purified KatA and Msr enzymes were shown to physically interact (6), and this interaction resulted in Msr-mediated repair of five out of the six oxidized KatA Met residues (3). In addition, H. pylori KatA is ubiquitous, present in both the cytoplasm and in the periplasm and on the cell surface as well as...