In recent years, state policy has been aimed at accelerating Ukraine's integration into the European community, which provides for the improvement of social security. This should be facilitated by the active introduction of innovations. Market transformation of the economy requires solving a set of problems associated with the development of territorial communities. World experience shows that at present the main factor of economic growth is social dominants and the intellectual potential of the population.
The article examines the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the development of social dominants as the core of the formation of territorial communities. With the help of these dominants, objective reasons are created and the possibilities for the formation of intellectual potential are determined.
The main trends in the development of social dominants are analyzed, the assessment of the current state of the processes of social development on an innovative basis in the context of ensuring social cohesion of society is carried out. Particular attention is paid to the issues of using the resources of territorial communities. It is noted that a synergistic approach plays an important role, in particular when using human resources, determining their life trajectory, formed on a socio-innovative basis. The study revealed that social innovations become real if they are secured by investments, have a purposeful character, and acquire such forms of implementation as social projects and social reforms. It is emphasized that the specificity of innovation lies in the fact that it is not any purposeful change, but only one whose subject content is a practical innovation created as a response to human needs, after which it acquires maximum distribution until this need is completely saturated.
Social innovations, as noted in the study, contribute to: the revival and enhancement of social and cultural values; ensuring social transformations of society; growth of labor potential; improving the quality of educational, medical, cultural and other services; and in general bring domestic social standards closer to the corresponding standards of developed European countries.
Considerable attention is paid to the issues of enhancing socio-innovative activity. The authors note that the latter is achieved when it is based on solid knowledge. Therefore, the work pays great attention to the education system, including the provision of socio-innovative development of united territorial communities, which contributes to the formation of prerequisites for the innovative development of the country's economy and contributes to the development of a competitive economy as a whole. At the same time, the educational sphere itself must move to an innovative path of development, and this, in turn, needs to update the curricula, adapted to the realities of the modern period of the world and domestic economy. The article provides substantiated ways to improve the education system aimed at training competitive specialists. Also, the main directions of improving the image of knowledge, organizational and economic development of territorial communities have been developed.