Having analyzed the theoretical-methodological and socio-philosophical approaches, it was established that leaders are a special category of people who are present in all industries and spheres of human employment, they determine the movement of society, individuals, and civilization, and shape the trajectory. Researched materials and observations confirm that each period of society's development has its leaders who possess the qualities that society wants to see in a social group or other social formation, and in this context, they play an important role in the formation of collective action. Such a worldview was inspired by the analysis of philosophical, psychological, and related literature, as well as the use of appropriate research methods: phenomenological, dialectical, systematization, observation, generalization, analysis, modeling, etc. These methods created conditions for distinguishing leadership qualities into innate and acquired. Innatethese are basic, aimed at selfpreservation, and acquireddepend on time and social environment. They are focused on valuesthey contribute to the unification of people and the formation of collective action. Special attention is paid to education, leaders, and student self-government. It is the education that is emphasized in the article, based on the competence approach that contributes to the improvement of basic leadership qualities and the acquisition of new ones that are relevant today. It is noted that important values in this process are: life, person, justice, freedom, responsibility, etc. Focusing on them will contribute to the development of the following leadership qualities: initiative, creativity, sociability, sociability, sensitivity, professionalism, erudition, responsibility, rationality, and the ability to forecast and predict consequences. Having mastered these and other qualities, in the process of studying, and participating in student self-government bodies, young people, the learners become ready for Article history: