The presented extraction methods are based on the features of the state of liquids in the capillary space in the form of a weak electrolyte. These methods make possible to extract micro-and nanoparticles adsorbed in matrix minerals from a suspension placed in the graphite substrate into a capillary solution. After the particle deposition in the substrate due to evaporative concentration the microprobe analysis is performed. The method is known as the capillary method of extracting micro and nanoparticles.The described methods was used as a prototype for extracting micro-and nanoparticles from suspensions associated with the use of an external electric field. The field is created by connecting the electrodes to a graphite substrate and applied suspension with a direct current source using the voltage of 4 Ä 6 V. The micro-and nanoparticles adsorbed in matrix minerals are extracted into the capillary solution. The deposition of micro-and nanoparticles in a capillary solution is made by the method of evaporative concentration. The application of an external electric field intensify extraction of micro-and nanoparticles.