The degeneration of the boutons, following rhizotomy of the Cz roots, has been studied in cats' spinal cords b e d in Susa and stained by albumin-silver impregnation on slides (Mihalik, '50).It was found that, three days after the lesion, large rosette shaped argyrophilic structures appeared around the nerve cells and their dendrites. These structures disappeared the fourth day.It was concluded that the presynaptic end-branches of the severed posterior root fibers do not undergo a granular degeneration in situ but first retract and metamorphose into "rosettes" and then disappear by further degeneration and absorbtion.This rosette forming is considered to be an agony reaction at the terminals of the severed posterior root fibers, and it is considered to be homologous to the metamorphic agony reaction (at the stump of the amputated part of the peripheral nerves) described by Cajal.