Prurigo nodularis is a chronic skin disease, especially seen in middle-aged women adults. It is characterized by symmetric, pruritic hyperkeratotic nodules and papules on the extensor surfaces [1]. Prurigo nodularis patients can suffer from repeated itching and scratching cycles or intensive pruritus. The etiology of prurigo nodularis is not clear. The lesions can be seen primarily or be caused by another pruritic condition. The trigger can be other dermatoses such as atopic dermatitis or secondary pruritus due to another systemic disease such as chronic kidney disease, jaundice, malignancies, etc. The interaction between cutaneous nerve fibers and immune cells can play a crucial role in pathogenesis [2]. Treatment options for prurigo nodularis are limited by studies. Most of the studies aim at symptomatic relief of patients [3].A 49-year-old female patient applied to our clinic with an 8-year history of itchy nodular lesions on the back and extensor surfaces of extremities. She has had recurrent upper respiratory tract infections and natural killer deficiency in her history. She had taken many topical and systemic agents for prurigo nodularis be-Letter to the editor/List do redakcji prurigo nodularis responding to intravenous immunoglobulins Świerzbiączka guzkowa leczona dożylnie immunoglobulinami koray durmaz 1 , arzu ataseven 2 , ilkay ozer 2 , sıddıka Fındık 3