Based on a simple adsorption theory, a mathematical model was proposed to predict axial iodine profiles of the column of silica gel impregnated with silver nitrate (hereinafter referred to as Ag-S) in an off-gas treatment system for spent fuel dissolution. The unknown parameters of the model: the effective diffusion coefficient D ea and the Langmuir coefficient K were determined by curve fitting of iodine profile experimentally obtained. At 423 K, D ea and K were found to be 5.60×10−7 m 2 ·s −1 and 1.0×10 5 m 3 ·kg −1 , respectively. Using the parameter values, the model could well predict the iodine profiles obtained at 423 K in the previous works under different experimental conditions. Furthermore, the effect of silver contents on the iodine profiles was reasonably predicted. It was suggested that the proposed model is simple and would be useful to predict the iodine profiles in Ag-S adsorbent columns.