H erbicide, C hloroacetam ide, V L C FA , C ucum is sativus, H ordeum vulgare, Zea m ays In short-term -ex p erim en ts [14C ]-labelled m alonic acid, stearic acid and acetate have been incorporated into leaf fatty acids of seedlings of C ucum is sativus, H ordeum vulgare and Zea mays. The p attern of labelled fatty acids changed m arkedly by tre a tm e n t with the chloroacet am ide herbicides m etazachlor, m etolachlor or butachlor. D uring a 2-h incubation time, 1 [!M chloroacetam ide specifically in hibited up to 100% the form ation of the satu rate d very long chain fatty acids (V L C FA s) with a carb o n n u m b er o f 20, 22 and 24. In cucum ber and barley a 50% inhibition of V LC FA form ation is achieved w ith 10 to 100 nM m etazachlor rep resen t ing the m ost sensitive effect of inhibitors on fatty acid elongation re p o rte d as yet. Sensitivity of fatty acid elongation dep en d s on the am ide stru ctu re p resen t in the com pound and on its stereochem istry. Inhibition of oleic acid inco rp o ratio n correlates with grow th inhibition by chloroacetam ides of the intact cell (com p. Pestic. Sei. 52, 3 8 1 -3 8 7 , 1998). The presen t study extends this correlation to inhibition of V L C FA synthesis in higher plants. O bviously the prim ary m ode of action of chlo ro acetam id es and related herbicidal substances is involved in the enzymic four-step fatty acid elongation system.