Big-K+ conductance (BK)-channel mediated fast afterhyperpolarizations (AHPs) following action potentials are reduced after eyeblink conditioning. Blocking BK channels with paxilline increases evoked firing frequency in vitro and spontaneous pyramidal activity in vivo. To examine how increased excitability after BK-channel blockade affects learning, rats received bilateral infusions of paxilline, saline, or nothing into hippocampal CA1 prior to trace eyeblink conditioning. The drug group was slower to acquire the task, but learning was not completely impaired. This suggests that nonspecific increases in excitability and baseline neuronal firing rates caused by in vivo blockade of the BK channel may disrupt correct processing of inputs, thereby impairing hippocampus-dependent learning.Learning and increased neuronal intrinsic excitability are strongly correlated, although a causal relationship has not yet been definitively established (Disterhoft and Oh 2006). One of the mechanisms of increased excitability is through reduction of potassium currents, which cause afterhyperpolarizations (AHP). Afterhyperpolarizations in pyramidal cells can be divided into three categories based upon their timing and duration. The fast AHP lasts only 2-5 ms, follows the depolarizing phase of individual action potentials, and is mediated largely by the big-K + conductance (BK) channel. The post-burst AHP has a medium (50-100 ms) and a slow (1-2 s) component, and follows trains or bursts of action potentials. The medium AHP is carried by apamin sensitive small-K + conductance (SK) channels, but the channel(s), which carry the slow AHP, are still unknown (Storm 1987;Disterhoft and Oh 2006).Learning-related reductions in the post-burst AHP are well documented (for review see Disterhoft and Oh 2006). Additionally, pharmacological modulators of the post-burst AHP alter learning in an expected manner-compounds that reduce the AHP improve learning (galantamine [Simon et al. 2004] and nimodopine [Deyo et al. 1989]). Learning-related reductions of the fast AHP are also seen in prefrontal cortex pyramidal neurons after extinction of fear conditioning (Santini et al. 2008) and in CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neurons after learning trace eyeblink conditioning (tEBC) (Matthews et al. 2008). In vitro whole-cell recordings show that blocking the BK channel with either paxilline or iberiotoxin increases the firing rate to a step current injection (Nelson et al. 2003). Likewise, injection of paxilline into the hippocampus increases the in vivo spontaneous firing frequency of hippocampal CA1 neurons of awake freely moving rats up to 2.5-fold over saline injections (Matthews et al. 2008), indicating that the BK-mediated fast AHP plays an important role in intrinsic excitability. The current study was undertaken to determine whether pharmacologically reducing the fast AHP during training would improve trace eyeblink conditioning.Experimental subjects were 3-to 4-mo old Fisher 344 X Brown Norway F1-hybrid rats. Animals were housed in pairs, in a climate-con...