Understanding biological and physical processes involving nucleic acids, such as the binding of proteins to DNA and RNA, DNA condensation, and RNA folding, requires an understanding of the ion atmosphere that surrounds nucleic acids. We have used a simple model DNA system to determine how the ion atmosphere modulates interactions between duplexes in the absence of specific metal ion-binding sites and other complicated interactions. In particular, we have tested whether the Coulomb repulsion between nucleic acids can be reversed by counterions to give a net attraction, as has been proposed recently for the rapid collapse observed early in RNA folding. The conformation of two DNA duplexes tethered by a flexible neutral linker was determined in the presence of a series of cations by small angle x-ray scattering. The small angle x-ray scattering profiles of two control molecules with distinct shapes (a continuous duplex and a mimic of the compact DNA) were in good agreement with predictions, establishing the applicability of this approach. Under low-salt conditions (20 mM Na ؉ ), the tethered duplexes are extended because of a Coulombic repulsion estimated to be 2-5 kT͞bp. Addition of high concentrations of Na ؉ (1.2 M), Mg 2؉ (0.6 M), and spermidine 3؉ (75 mM) resulted in electrostatic relaxation to a random state. These results indicate that a counterion-induced attractive force between nucleic acid duplexes is not significant under physiological conditions. An upper limit on the magnitude of the attractive potential under all tested ionic conditions is estimated.correlation ͉ DNA ͉ RNA ͉ folding ͉ electrostatics N ucleic acids play a central role in the storage, transmission, and control of genetic information. DNA and RNA associate with numerous protein and nucleic acid partners to form the complexes that participate in and regulate cellular metabolism and form catalytic components of biological machines such as the ribosome. A comprehensive understanding of these biological processes requires understanding the fundamental physical and chemical principles underlying the behaviors of the participating molecules.Nucleic acids are highly charged biopolymers, with one formal negative charge per monomeric unit. There are many examples of specific interactions of nucleic acids with ions in nucleic acidprotein complexes and in folded RNAs (1, 2). Nevertheless, the vast majority of cations associated with a nucleic acid are nonspecifically bound. These counterions condense onto DNA or RNA and form a thermally fluctuating sheath commonly referred to as the ion atmosphere (3, 4). Indeed, order-of-magnitude calculations estimate enormous repulsive energies for RNA in the absence of counterions (e.g., Ϸ10 3 kT for a folded RNA with Ϸ400 nucleotides, the size of the Tetrahymena group I intron). ʈ This repulsive energy is predominantly overcome by electrostatic interactions with the ion atmosphere (3-5).Despite the clear importance of the ion atmosphere, experimental investigation has been difficult. The dynamic nature of the...