We report the synthesis and characterization of the novel silicide LaFeSiH displaying superconductivity with onset at 11 K. We find that this pnictogen-free compound is isostructural to LaFeAsO, with a similar low-temperature tetragonal to orthorhombic distortion. Using density functional theory we show that this system is also a multiband metal in which the orthorhombic distortion is likely related to single-stripe antiferromagnetic order. Electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal that these features occur side-by-side with superconductivity, which is suppressed by external pressure.Iron-based superconductors (Fe-based SCs) provide an unprecedented playground for the investigation of high-T c superconductivity. These systems belong to a huge family of compounds and recurrently display the following key features (see e.g. [1,2] for recent reviews). From the structural point of view, they have FeX layers in which the Fe atoms form a square lattice that is sandwiched between two ( √ 2 × √ 2)R45 • shifted lattices of X (= P, As, Se, Te, S). This leads to a quasi-2D multiband Fermi surface that mainly originates from the Fe 3d orbitals. In addition, the parent compounds often display anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) order inducing a lattice distortion [3][4][5] that is generally pre-empted by the so-called nematic transition [2]. In the prototypical case of RFeAsO (R = rare earth), for example, this specifically corresponds to single-stripe AFM order [also called (π, 0) order] and a square-to-rectangular distortion of the Fe layers. These features advocate for the so-called s ± superconducting gap symmetry and a spin-fluctuation pairing. This superconductivity can be induced by carrier doping resulting from either chemical substitutions or physical pressure [6]. From a more methodological point of view, the electronic band structure and the magnetic orders found in Fe-based SC can be reasonably well described by means of DFT-based calculations as the electronic correlations often remain relatively weak.