JIolekularbiologie und Dledixiii. %ent.ralinstitut fur Mikrobiologie und expcrimc!nt,elle Therapie, Jena; 21nst.itut fur Mikrobiologie und Virologie der Akttdemie der Wissenachaftcn der TJSSR, Kiew) Verbreitung rnethanotropher Bakterien tJ. HI<; Y ER1, Y U . MArJASIl13:NKo2, u. BERG1(:lrl wid E. BUUKoVA' (Einycganye'rL u r a 85. d . 1984)This paper reports on blie investig:ht,ions of the distribut,ion of the methnnot,rophic bact,eri;i in various environmentjs and geographic zones. In t,he most of ilbout 1000 samples investigatod by IIS ohligately methanotrophic bacteria were found. Morc: t h i n 300 pure cultures wero isolated, ;~mong t,ticm strains of iIII five groups of methanotrophs dcscvribed by WHITT1':NBIJILY et d. (1970). Thcrc were great differcnccs in their distribution p5tterns i u severa.1 habit,iits. Thc occurrence of met,lia.riolmphic bacteria even in acidophilic peat bog It~kes and in salt-lakes shows t,he great cdogical amplitude of this group of organisms.Experiences with the use and the interpretation of t,he MPN-method for the enumeration of methttnutrophic bacteria are presented. The results of tho quantitative investigat,ions cnltzrgc t,he knowlcdge about the distribution of these organisms in vnrious nltturd and artific;i,l habitats ;~n d confirm t,heir high frequency in the nature.The greatest densities of cells are found in sewage, but only small numbers of cells in tlic opcvi water itrid sandy sediments of Raltic Sea and in salt-lakes. Generally the frequency of the inethanotrophic bacteria wiis closely related to the concentration of mrt,hanc, respectively, to the rate of release in t.he habitat. The high numbers of cells i n the aerobic layers of sediments ikrc ;in indication of the gretbt act'ivity of the aerobic methane OxidiLtion in these zones.