Boc-Z6-Pro'-OR I" I* Fmoc-Ile-D---, BOP (6,12) (Cbz-or Fmoc-)-W1 2-Ile3"X4"Y5 6-Z6"Prol-OR"(a) HC1 or TFA; Boz-Z6-OH, BOP;6 (b) HC1; Fmoc-Y6-Cl or Fmoc-(Ar<-Boc)Orn-OH, BOP (6, 8); (c) piperidine or Et2NH; Fmoc-X4-Cl; (d) piperidine or Et2NH; Fmoc-Ile-Cl or Fmoc-Ile-Cl/AgCN/toluene/80 °C (3,5,13) or Fmoc-Ala-Cl ( 15); (e) piperidine or Et2NH; Fmoc-W2-OH, BOP or Fmoc-D-Phe2-Cl (2) or Cbz-D-Phe2-Cl (3) or Boc-D-(0-Et)TyrOH, BOP (13); (f) piperidine or EtjNH; NH2NH2 or H2, Pd(OH)2 (3) or HC02H (13); (g) i-C5HnONO or DPPAC (3, 4, 13); compounds 6 and 8 were obtained by treatment with HC02H and TFA, respectively, to remove the N3-Boc group on Orn5; compound 9 was obtained by hydrogenolysis (H2, Pd(OH)2) to remove the :Y6-Cbz group on Ppz5; compound 5 was obtained by hydrogenolysis (H2, Pd(OH)2) to remove the (V8-Cbz group on D-Piz4, followed by oxidation to D--4 with t-C. F. Homnick (HPLC analysis), J. P. Moreau (elemental analysis), and V. W. Finley (manuscript preparation). We also thank Dr. P. S. Anderson for encouragement and support.