At the age of 50 a Puka-Pukan retires from manual labor and becomes one of the members of The Company, spending his evenings shooting popguns or playing checkers, and his nights in ordering the young fry about. He never again has to go fishing, to gather coconuts, or to do any other work.When the malos [young men] bring in their fish they are given to the fathers, who divide them after picking out the choice bits for themselves. . . To be sure, many of the fathers spend a day or two at fishing now and then, but this is not required of them and they do it only to pass the time. . . ( 2 2 ) .HE experiments sketched here-many by my T younger colleagues-mold shotgun shells from the pharmacopoeia and pop them at protozoa in the hope that hits will reveal something about protozoan metabolism. The purpose is really phylogenetic: to trace forerunners of the coordination devices that made possible metazoa. Which of those devices originated in the protozoa? One assumes that every device for intercellular coordination began intracellularly. A chemotherapeutic agent that injures protozoa and metazoa but not bacteria hints at a protozoan origin for the metabolic device in question; likewise an antibiotic such as penicillin which kills bacteria but not protozoa or metazoa points to devices confined to bacteria-in the case of penicillin, a kind of cell wall seen only in bacteria and blue-green algae ( 1 1 ) .