Bovine fecal microbiota is important for host health and its composition can be
affected by various factors, such as diet, age, species, breed, regions, and
environments. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of diet and
gender on fecal microbiota in Korean native Hanwoo cattle. The 16S rRNA gene
amplicon sequencing of fecal microbiota was conducted from 44 Hanwoo cattle
divided into four groups: (1) 11 heifers fed an oat hay plus total mixed ration
(TMR) diet for breeding (HOTB), (2) 11 heifers fed an early fattening TMR diet
(HEFT), (3) 11 steers fed the early fattening TMR diet (SEFT), and (4) 11 steers
fed the late fattening TMR diet (SLFT). Firmicutes and Bacteroidota were the
first and second most dominant phyla in all the samples, respectively. The
Firmicutes/Bacteroidota (F/B) ratio associated with feed efficiency was
significantly greater in the SLFT group than in the other groups. At the genus
, and
were the most abundant in the SLFT while
, and
were the most abundant in the HOTB group.
Although the same early fattening TMR diet was fed to Hanwoo heifers and steers,
were the
most abundant in the HEFT group while
were the most abundant in the SEFT group.
Shannon and Simpson diversity indices were significantly lower in the SLFT group
than in the other groups. Distribution of fecal microbiota and functional
genetic profiles were significantly different among the four treatment groups.
The present study demonstrates that different diets and genders can affect fecal
microbiota and the F/B ratio may be associated with feed efficiency in Hanwoo
cattle. Our results may help develop strategies to improve gut health and
productivity through manipulation of fecal microbiota using the appropriate diet
considering Hanwoo cattle gender.