The state-of-the-art of hydrogen storage technology is reviewed, including gaseous, liquid, hydride, surface adsorbed media, glass microsphere, chemical reaction, and liquid chemical technologies. The review of each technology includes a discussion of advantages, disadvantages, likelihood of success, and key research and development activities. A preferred technological path for the development of effective near-term hydrogen storage includes both current DOT qualified and advanced compressed storage for down-sized highly efficient but moderate range vehicles, and liquid storage for fleet vehicle applications. Adsorbate media are also suitable for fleet applications but not for intermittent uses. Volume-optimized transition metal hydride beds are also viable for short range applications. Long-teim development of coated nanoparticulate or metal matrix high conductivity magnesium alloy, is recommended. In addition, a room temperature adsorbate medium should be developed to avoid cryogenic storage requirements. Chemical storage and oxidative schemes present serious In the future, nanoparticulate coated magnesium hydride, or coated metal matrix high conductivity hydride, having reduced absorption and release temperatures, offers safety, weight and volume efficiency provided the many technical obstacles can be overcome. Superabsorbent carbon needs development so that near room temperature absorption occurs, otherwise the cryogenic cooling and control requirements will hinder its acceptance in private vehicles. These hindrances may be acceptable in fleet vehicles. Microsphere technology should address stronger, more perfect spheres to allow and increase in storage pressure. Currently considered hydrogen-bearing media, or chemical reaction media, are deficient. Clearly breakthroughs are needed, making this a long-term option at best.