Aims:The purpose of the study was to demonstrate autonomic nervous system (ANS) changes associated with treatment in hypertensive patients and utilization of these measurements in practice.Methods: Hypertensive patients were examined before the start of treatment and after blood pressure compensation. The telemetric system VarCor PF 5 was used for non-invasive heart rate registration and automatic evaluation of heart rate variability (HRV) parameters. The supine-standing-supine test with ortho-clinostatic loading in standard conditions was used for HRV evaluation.Results: The infl uence of antihypertensive therapy on ANS was demonstrated in two cases. The fi rst was a case of a responder to therapy and the second case was example of a non-responder to monotherapy regarding more therapeutic steps for blood pressure control. Diff erent modes of results presentation are demonstrated: 3D graph, numeric form of standard parameters of HRV, computer interpretation of results by means of complex parameters and indices in numeric, graphic and verbal form with functional age calculation, cross graph of vagal activity index versus sympatho-vagal balance index was used for repeated measurements and follow-up. The increased spectral performance with augmented vagal activity and slope down of sympatho-vagal ratio are evident after blood pressure control achievement. Improvement of functional age parameter associated with blood pressure compensation is visible using a complex age-dependent parameters interpretation.Conclusions: HRV evaluation in hypertensive patients provides new parameters for patient´s examination. These parameters are infl uenced by both the illness itself and by pharmacotherapy. Such an approach off ers more complex information about patient.