In Smart Home (SH) the devices and appliances can be controlled automatically and remotely via the internet. Sensors in a smart home detect changes, which are processed and used to make intelligent decisions, such as automatically turning on the lights. To be effective, a smart home's sensors must be connected, establishing a wireless sensor network as the backbone for the smart home's functionalities. For many researchers, the performance of WSN faces several challenges. Power consumption is the most crucial factor since nodes require power to collect, process, and send data but have limited energy. As a result we propose an improved protocol for WSN in smart homes called EEP-LEACH (Energy Efficient Protocol -Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) based on the LEACH protocol. Matlab was used for the algorithm's performance analysis, and the simulation result showed that, compared to others protocols the death time of the nodes was longer, thus managing to balance the consumption of energy of the network nodes. Python and Arduino are used in this research to perform some simulations.