At the present time there is evidence to show that hardness and surface free energy of crystals are related (DUNDON; ORMONT), and in fact they are closely related with the lattice energy (ORMONT ; PLENDL, GIELISSE) and energy of point-defect formation (SHUKLA, BAN-SIGIR). DUNDON fnund an apparent relationship between surface energy, y, and Mohs hardness, M , of several substances from the measured increase in the solubility of the salts. The relation between surface energy and supersaturation i.e. increase in solubility also follows from the Gibbs-Thomson equation (see e.g. MULLIN). However, since the surface energy of a crystal in vacuum is higher than that in contact with solution (SEARS; KLEBER), it is doubtful that the method of estimation of y from supersaturation gives precise values.Data on surface free energy are scanty (KUZNETSOV; GILMAN). In this note it is shown that surface energy of non-metallic crystals can conveniently be estimated from hardness and solubility data.Hardness is customarily expressed in Vickers, H,, or Knoop, H K , hardness number. The plot of Vickers hardness, H , in Vickers hardness number, and surface energy, y (dyne cm-I), of ionic crystals, illustrated in Figure 2, shows that the relationship between these quantities may be given by the empirical relation H , = 10-3yt.