Investigations have been made for the first time of the thermal expansion of the (CuInTe 2 ) 1± ±x (2ZnTe) x solid solutions. It has been demonstrated that the thermal expansion coefficient a L grows considerably in the temperature range from 77 to 300 K whereas the temperature dependence above 300 K is rather weak. For the solid solutions with 0 < x 0.3 a considerable change of a L (T) in the range of the solid state transition from the chalcopyrite structure into the sphalerite one takes place. Such anomaly in a L (T) has not been observed for x 0.4. The isotherms of the composition dependence of a L for 77, 293 and 500 K were constructed. They are linear within one-phase ranges with the chalcopyrite structure (0 < x 0.3) or sphalerite structure (x ! 0.4). The Debye temperatures q D and the average quadratic dynamic displacements u 2 were calculated.Vpervye provedeny issledovani¾ teplovogo rasxireni¾ tverdyh rastvorov CuInTe 2 1Àx 2ZnTe x . Pokazano, qto ko+fficient teplovogo rasxireni¾ a L sil#no izmen¾ets¾ v temperaturnom intervale ot 80 do 300 K i slabo zavisit ot temperatury vyxe 300 K. Dl¾ tverdyh rastvorov s 0 < x 0,3 nablÏdaÏts¾ izmeneni¾ zavisimostej a L T v oblasti tverdofaznogo prevra §eni¾ iz struktury hal#kopirita v strukturu sfalerita. Dl¾ tverdyh rastvorov s x ! 0,4 podobnye izmeneni¾ ne nablÏdalis#. Byli postroeny izotermy zavisimosti a L ot sostava dl¾ temperatur 77, 293 i 500 K. Oni linejny v predelah odnofaznoj oblasti so strukturoj hal#kopirita 0 < x 0,3 ili sfalerita x ! 0,4. Vyqisleny temperatura Deba¾ i srednekvadratiqnye dinamiqeskie sme §eni¾ atomov v kristalliqeskoj rexetke tverdyh rastvorov.