Utilizing gravitational-wave (GW) lensing opens a new way to understand the small-scale structure of the universe. We show that, in spite of its coarse angular resolution and short duration of observation, LIGO can detect the GW lensing induced by compact structures, in particular by compact dark matter (DM) or primordial black holes of 10 − 10 5 M , which remain interesting DM candidates. The lensing is detected through GW frequency chirping, creating the natural and rapid change of lensing patterns: frequency-dependent amplification and modulation of GW waveforms. As a highest-frequency GW detector, LIGO is a unique GW lab to probe such light compact DM. With the design sensitivity of Advanced LIGO, one-year observation by three detectors can optimistically constrain the compact DM density fraction fDM to the level of a few percent.Introduction. The GW from far-away binary mergers [1, 2] is a new way to see the universe with gravitational interaction. Not only is it revealing astrophysics of solar-mass black holes and neutron stars, but the GW can also carry information of intervening masses and the evolution of the universe through gravitational lensing. Having the long wavelength λ, the GW is usually expected to be lensed by heaviest structures (such as galaxies and their clusters) with large enough Schwarzschild radii, 2GM/c 2 = 2M λ 2 × 10 3 (100 Hz/f ) M . Their prototypical lensing signal is strongly time-delayed GW images [3,4] or statistical correlations [5].