We measured the post-operative radiological "fit and fill" of two different femoral stem designs, one with a straight proximally porous-coated n=50) and the other with a proximally anatomic, hydroxyapatite-coated and distally over-reamed stem (ABG, n=26). A comparison was then made between the clinical and radiological 5-year follow-up data of these two series and also of the bone remodeling changes around the stems. The observed differences in "fit and fill" parameters in the metaphyseal region were minute. However, in the diaphyseal bone the straight stem had substantially more cortical contact. The clinical results were excellent for both groups. Subsidence (>2 mm) was more frequent with the anatomical ABG stems, although the ABG stems had better bone ingrowth in the lower metaphyseal area. The present results indicate that the anatomical design may improve the fit and fill of a femoral stem in the metaphysis. On the other hand, a looser fill of the diaphyseal bone made the stems of this type more susceptible to subsidence. The straight stem with tight diaphyseal fit showed excellent stability, but the good bone ingrowth and remodeling around the distal part of the stem indicates stress transfer through this region and increased stress shielding of the proximal metaphyseal femur.RĂ©sumĂ© Nous avons mesurĂ© l'adaptation et le remplissage radiographique postopĂ©ratoire de deux modĂšles diffĂ©-rents de tiges fĂ©morales, une tige droite avec la porositĂ© proximale (BI-Metric, n=50) et une tige proximalement anatomique revĂȘtue d'hydroxyapatite avec un surfaçage distal (ABG, n=26). Nous avons comparĂ© les renseignements cliniques et radiographiques de ces deux sĂ©ries de donnĂ©es rĂ©sultant d'un suivi de cinq ans. Le remodelage osseux autour des tiges a Ă©tĂ© pris en compte. Les diffĂ©-rences observĂ©es dans les paramĂštres de l'adaptation et de remplissage dans la rĂ©gion mĂ©taphysaire Ă©taient minimales. Par contre dans la rĂ©gion diaphysaire la tige droite faisait montre de plus de contact cortical et ceci d'une maniĂšre significative. Les rĂ©sultats cliniques sur ces deux groupes furent excellents. L'enfoncement (>2 mm.) de tiges anatomiques ABG Ă©tait plus frĂ©quent. Les rĂ©sul-tats prĂ©sentĂ©s indiquent que le modĂšle anatomique pourrait amĂ©liorer l'adaptation et le remplissage de la tige fĂ©-morale dans la rĂ©gion de l'os mĂ©taphysaire.