Phases of matter are usually identified through the lens of spontaneous symmetry breaking, which particularly applies to unconventional superconductivity and the interactions it originates from. In that context, the superconducting state of the quasi-two-dimensional and strongly correlated Sr 2 RuO 4 is uniquely held up as a solid-state analog to superfluid 3 He-A 1, 2 , with an odd-parity vector order parameter that is unidirectional in spin space for all electron momenta and also breaks time-reversal symmetry. This characterization was recently * These authors contributed equally to this work. 1 called into question by a search for, and failure to find, evidence for an expected "split" transition while subjecting a Sr 2 RuO 4 crystal to in-plane uniaxial pressure; instead a dramatic rise and peak in a single transition temperature was observed 3, 4. NMR spectroscopy, which is directly sensitive to the order parameter via the hyperfine coupling to the electronic spin degrees of freedom, is exploited here to probe the nature of superconductivity in Sr 2 RuO 4 and its evolution under strained conditions. A reduction of Knight shifts K is observed for all strain values and temperatures T < T c , consistent with a drop in spin polarization in the superconducting state. In unstrained samples, our results are in contradiction with a body of previous NMR work 5 , and with the most prominent previous proposals for the order parameter. Sr 2 RuO 4 is an extremely clean layered perovskite, and the superconductivity emerges from a strongly correlated Fermi Liquid. The present work imposes tight constraints on the order-parameter symmetry of this archetypal system. The normal state of Sr 2 RuO 4 is based on three bands crossing the Fermi level 6, 7 , with pronounced strong-correlation characteristics linked to Hund's Rule coupling of the partially filled Ru t 2g orbitals dominating the Fermi surface. The transition to a superconducting ground state at T c =1.5 K 8 , with indirect evidence for proximity to ferromagnetism, led to the suggestion that the pair wave functions of the superconducting state likely exhibit a symmetric spin part, i.e., triplet 1. Crucial support for the existence of a triplet order parameter rested on NMR spectroscopy, which showed no change in Knight shift between normal and superconducting states 5. Later, several experiments produced evidence for time-reversal symmetry breaking (TRSB) 9, 10. Together, these reports aligned well to the above-mentioned proposal that Sr 2 RuO 4 is a very clean, quasi two