The fine morphology of glomeruli present in the mesonephroi of mouse embryos from days 12 to 14 of gestational age is described. The glomeruli are rudimentary, ephemeral structures which probably result from temporary juxtaposition of a blood capillary to the ventral extremity of a mesonephrictubule. Yet, they might possess a certain degree of functionality.While the studies of Leeson (1960) in the rabbit, Davies and Davies (1950) and Zamboni et al. (1981) in the sheep, and De Martino and Zamboni (1966) in the human have shown that the mesonephros in these species has a complex structural organization, the transient kidney of rodents has been said to consist only of tubules and to lack identifiable glomeruli; as such, it is considered to be rudimentary and nonfunctional (Bremer, 1916;Brambell, 1927;Brown, 1931;Torrey, 1943).In a more recent investigation, Vetter and Gibley (1966) demonstrated instead that the mouse mesonephros possesses two types of rudimentary glomeruli external, seen as clusters of epithelial cells protruding into the coelomic cavity from the ventral surface of the organ, and internal, more complex structures in association with mesonephric tubules and blood vessels deriving from the aorta. These authors, thus, concluded that the mesonephros of the mouse is provided with a certain degree of functionality. However, due to the fact that their study was conducted either on paraffin sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin or by histochemical procedures, the report of Vetter and Gibley (1966) failed to elucidate ade quately the structural organization of the glomeruli, an important point if the function of the mouse mesonephros is to be assessed with a reasonable degree of accuracy.In the course of a study on the role played by the mesonephros in the development of the mouse gonads, we were able to observe the occurrence of glomeruli and to study their structural organization to a degree of resolution higher than that with which these structures were described in previous reports.
MATERIALS AND METHODSThe mesonephroi of 68 mouse fetuses collected at close intervals of development, from day 9 after vaginal plug detection to term (day 19), were studied. The fetuses were distributed as follows: day 9, three; day 10, three; day 11, four; day 11%, one; day 12, nine; day 12% three; day 13, nine; day 13%, four; day 14, eight; day 15, eight; day 16, six; day 17, four; day 18, three; and day 19, three. The fetuses were fixed in situ by intracardiac perfusion (Abrunhosa, 1972) with 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer, postfixed in 1% buffered Os04, and then embedded in Epon 812.The tissue was serially sectioned for light microscopy at i-pm thickness, and the sections were stained in 1% aqueous Toluidine blue. Upon reaching areas of interest, the blocks were trimmed and thin-sectioned for electron microscopy .
RESULTSIn the mouse, mesonephric glomeruli are rare-occurring structures which are present in extremely limited numbers; they were visualized only in five fetuses-four at day 1 2 a...