Engineering and enhancing inversion symmetry breaking in solids is a major goal in condensed matter physics and materials science, as a route to advancing new physics and applications ranging from improved ferroelectrics for memory devices to materials hosting Majorana zero modes for quantum computing. Here, we uncover a new mechanism for realising a much larger energy scale of inversion symmetry breaking at surfaces and interfaces than is typically achieved. The key ingredient is a pronounced asymmetry of surface hopping energies, i.e. a kinetic energy-driven inversion symmetry breaking, whose energy scale is pinned at a significant fraction of the bandwidth. We show, from spin-and angle-resolved photoemission, how this enables surface states of 3d and 4d-based transition-metal oxides to surprisingly develop some of the largest Rashba-like spin splittings that are known. Our findings open new possibilities to produce spin textured states in oxides which exploit the full potential of the bare atomic spin-orbit coupling, raising exciting prospects for oxide spintronics. More generally, the core structural building blocks which enable this are common to numerous materials, providing the prospect of enhanced inversion symmetry breaking at judiciously-chosen surfaces of a plethora of compounds, and suggesting routes to interfacial control of inversion symmetry breaking in designer heterostructures.The lifting of inversion symmetry is a key prerequisite for stabilising a wide range of striking physical properties such as chiral magnetism, ferroelectricity, odd-parity multipolar orders, and the creation of Weyl fermions and other spin-split electronic states without magnetism [1][2][3][4][5][6][7] . Inversion symmetry is naturally broken at surfaces and interfaces of materials, opening exciting routes to stabilise electronic structures distinct from those of the bulk [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] . A striking example is found in materials which also host significant spin-orbit interactions, where inversion symmetry breaking (ISB) underpins the formation of topologically-protected surface states 11,16 and Rashba 10,17 spin splitting of surface or interfacelocalised two-dimensional electron gases 14,15,[18][19][20][21][22] , generically characterised by a locking of the quasiparticle spin perpendicular to its momentum. Such effects lie at the heart of a variety of proposed applications in spin-based electronics 10,[23][24][25][26][27] , and provide new routes to stabilise novel physical regimes such as spiral RKKY interactions, enhanced electron-phonon coupling, localisation by a weak potential, large spin-transfer torques, and mixed singlet-triplet superconductivity [28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35] . Conventional wisdom about how to maximize the Rashba effect has been to work with heavy elements whose atomic spin-orbit coupling is large. However, the energetic spin splittings obtained are usually only a small fraction of the atomic spin-orbit energy scale. This is because the key physics is not exclusively that of spi...