NOTICESWhen US Cm. erninelit drti n~lg , spec jficat~ions, Ol other do:t aýre used for any' pLrpo0se other than a definitely related Government procuremnent operationo, the (jovermnoult thercnhý biicuPs no responisibility nor iny obligation whaitsoever, and the fa-ct that the Government na1ýy hanve fornmula ed, fturn ished, or in ,my waiy supplied the said dra1wings, specifications, or other data, is not to be re.garded by imlpllication or otherwise, as in any manner licensing the holder or any other person or corporation, or conveyag a-m rights or permission to manufacture, use, or sell any patented 1nenio thtmy in any waýy be, rein tedi thereto.
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of this Report)Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. The acute toxicity of JP-4, JP-8 and JP-9 fuels was evaluated for several terrestrial insects by contact exposure. JP-8 was the most toxic fuel to most of the insect species. Shale derived fuels were more toxic than their petroleum derived counterparts, however, species response varied with each type fuel. The order of decreasing susceptibility to petroleum derived JP-4 was earwigsrice weevilsbflour bettles, lady beetles'ptenebrionid beetlegcockroaches.