Pestov glass and the Micro Gap Chamber and refrain from any discussion on rate capability or long-term stability un-Abstract til thorough studies have been completed. We report developments of the Microstrip Gas Chamber on thin-film Pestov glass and the Micro Gap Chain-II. MICROSTRIP GAS CHAMBER ON bet. By coating a thin-layer of low-resistive, electronically-THIN-FILM PESTOV GLASS conductive glass on various substrates (including quartz and ceramics), we built MSGCs of high gain stability and low leakage current. They were tested in Ar-CH4(10%) The accumulation of positive ions on the insulator surand He-C2H6(50%) gas mixtures. Energy resolutions of face between anode and cathode is known to be responsible for gain instability in a MSGC. The time scale of 17-20% were measured for 6keV x-rays. This design can ion recombination on the surface Will therefore determine make the choice of substrate less important, save the cost the rate capability of a MSGC. Systematic studies have of ion-implantation, and use less glass material. Micro Gap Chamber was successfully tested in He-C2H6(50%) and Ar-shown that the higher surface conductivity, the higher C2He(50%) gas mixtures. Energy resolutions of about 20% rate capability [3, 4]. To have high surface conductivity, were obtained. Both detectors are expected to have high one can ion-implant the insulator surface[2] or use lowrate capability, resistive, electronically-conducting substrate directly[3, 4]. A typical dosage of B-ion implantation on SiO2 film is 4x1016 ions/cm 2 in order to make the MSGC stable[2]. I.