Abstract:The congruently melting, single phase, L1 2 intermetallic β-Ni 3 Ge has been subject to rapid solidification via drop-tube processing. Four different cooling rates are used in this process, at very low cooling rates (≥850 µm diameter particles, ≥700 K s −1 ) and slightly higher cooling rates (850-500 µm diameter particles, 700-1386 K s −1 ) the dominant solidification morphology, revealed after etching, is that of isolated spherulites in an otherwise featureless matrix. At higher cooling rates, (500-300 µm diameter particles, 1386-2790 K s −1 and (300-212 µm diameter particles, 2790-4600 K s −1 ) mixed spherulite and dendritic morphologies are observed. Indeed, at the higher cooling rate dendrites with side-branches composed of numerous small spherulites are observed. Selected area diffraction analysis in the TEM indicate that the formation of spherulites is due to an order-disorder transformation. Dark-field TEM imaging has confirmed that the spherulites appear to consist of lamellae of the ordered phase, with disordered material in the space between the lamellae. The lamellar width within a given spherulite is constant, but the width is a function of cooling rate, with higher cooling rates giving finer lamellae. As such, there are many parallels with spherulite growth in polymers.