A novel hexagonal phase (designated H (2) ) has been detected as a major constituent of both Al 62 Ti 10 V 28 and Al 55 Ti 10 V 35 alloys, following chill casting and after homogenization at 1523 K. The phase H 2 has an ordered hexagonal crystal structure (space group P6 3 /mmc, ␣ ϭ 0.558 Ϯ 0.001 and c ϭ 0.450 Ϯ 0.001 nm), similar to that of ␣ 2 -Ti 3 Al, and an atomic composition of 54 Ϯ 1 Al -11 Ϯ 1 Ti -35 Ϯ 1 V in the chill-cast Al 55 Ti 10 V 35 alloy. A fine-scale, duplex lamellar structure, developed within the ordered H 2 phase in the solid state, was composed of parallel-sided multivariants of -Ti 5 Al 11 phase, formed parallel to (0001) H 2 . The orientation relationship between constituent phases was of the form (111) ሻ (0001) H 2 and ͗110͘ ሻ [1120] H 2 Following homogenization (1 hour at 1523 K) and isothermal heat treatment at temperatures in the range from 1073 to 1273 K, the Al 62 Ti 10 V 28 and Al 55 Ti 10 V 35 alloys were observed to develop twophase microstructures comprising  -(Ti,V)/␦ -Al 3 (Ti,V) and  / -Ti 5 Al 11 , respectively. In both alloys, the  phase could be retained as a stable phase to room temperature, regardless of cooling rate, whereas the H 2 phase was unstable at temperatures below ϳ1273 K and was consumed by the formation of phase at lower temperatures.