Many aquatic microorganisms are able to swim. In natural environments they typically do so in the presence of flows. In recent years it has been shown that the interplay of swimming and flows can give rise to interesting and biologically relevant phenomena, such as accumulation of microorganisms in specific flow regions and local alignment with the flow properties. Here, we consider a mechanical model for elongated microswimmers in a Kolmogorov flow, a prototypic shear flow, both in steady and in turbulent conditions. By means of direct numerical simulations, supported by analytical calculation in a simplified stochastic setting, we find that the alignment of the swimming direction with the local velocity is a general phenomenon. We also explore how the accumulation of microorganisms, typically observed in steady flows, is modified by the presence of unsteady fluctuations.
I. INTRODUCTIONMany microorganisms, from bacteria to microalgae, are motile and capable of swimming [1]. From biological fluids to lakes and oceans, swimming microorganisms have to adapt their motility to the surrounding fluid conditions in order to find food, escape from predators, optimize light uptake and mate [2]. Complex biological mechanisms are often involved in controlling the swimming direction of microorganisms, by producing directed motility cued on chemical or physical signals (such as chemo/photo/rheo taxis) [1]. The study of simple mechanistic models has shown that the interplay of swimming and flow is relevant in determining the dynamics of such organisms. The analysis of deterministic models for ellipsoidal swimmers shows that, in a two-dimensional, laminar Poiseuille flow the equations of motion for the swimmer are formally akin to those of a pendulum. For a wide range of parameters, the dynamics can be divided into two families of trajectories [3,4]. Trajectories close to the channel center encounter small velocity gradients and are characterized by an oscillating swimming direction, analogous to pendulum oscillations, while trajectories in the high-shear regions, close to the walls, show tumbling motion, the equivalent of librations. Recent experimental works have confirmed these findings in a strain of smooth-swimming E. Coli in a Poiseuille flow [5]. Other parallel flows (such as the Kolmogorov flow) show similar behaviours [6]. Such swimming dynamics can cause accumulation (trapping) of elongated microswimmers in high shear regions [7] (see also [8]). Preferential trapping in high-shear regions has been observed also for gyrotactic algae, although induced by a different mechanism, i.e. the competition by flow-induced rotation and upwards-biased swimming. [9,10]. The dynamics is in general modified by the presence of noise [5,6,11] or steric interactions with the walls [3], which however do not necessarily disrupt its effects. In particular, in Ref. [6] it has been clarified that depending on noise, swimming velocity and aspect ratio, swimmers may accumulate in regions of either high or low shear rate in the laminar Kolmogo...